Our primary meeting time is for Sunday worship at 10.45am each week. Every first Sunday we also host a bring and share lunch for anyone who would like to join us.
Every Tuesday we meet as 'In Touch' with a prayer time for 30 minutes, starting at 10.30 am in the Schoolroom. Every second Tuesday we stay for soup and pudding at around 12 noon. No need to book - there's always enough for visitors.l
On the first Saturday of most months we meet from 10am for a work morning, dealing with some of the many practical jobs around our property.
Midweek gatherings for Bible discussion and fellowship are on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 2.30pm. They are held in the Schoolroom and usually end with tea and biscuits. We're currently exploring the book of Jeremiah. He was a prophet in Judah, the southern kingdom of Israel from 626BC to 587BC during the reigns of five kings at a time when Babylon was in the process of taking Israel into exile. It's been interesting to study his book in the light of the current situation in Gaza.